于是,要对SAM有一些新的理解。原来只知道它能识别一个字符串中的所有z子串。如果对s1字符串构造SAM,如果用s2字符串输入自动机中,即可求出当前部分的s2中能被自动机识别的最长后缀。构造自动机后,也可求出以该后缀作结的前缀个数,设该状态为p,此个数为v,所以[tex]\begin{matrix} v_p = \sum_{q->pre = p}v_q+1\end{matrix}[/tex],我们可以使用拓扑排序+dp,预处理出v。注意到对于一个自动机中一个状态,若与s2中tmp长的前缀相对应,则对答案的贡献为[tex]v_p*(tmp - k + 1)[/tex]。
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<climits> #include<queue> using namespace std; #define maxn 100005 #define isl(x) (('a' <= (x) && (x) <= 'z') || ('A' <= (x) && (x) <= 'Z')) #define get(x) (((x)<='Z')?(x-'A'):(x-'a'+26)) struct node{ node *par, *go[52]; long long val,f,v; int de; void clear(long long l){ par = 0; memset(go,0,sizeof(go)); val = l; f = -1; v = 1; de = 0; } }; node pool[maxn << 2]; node *root, *last; int tot; long long tmp,ans,k; char c; void insert(int w){ node *p = last, *np = &pool[tot++]; np->clear(p->val+1); last = np; while(p && !p->go[w]) p->go[w] = np,p = p->par; if(!p){np->par = root;return;} node *q = p->go[w]; if(q->val == p->val + 1){np->par = q;return;} node *nq = &pool[tot++]; *nq = *q; nq -> val = p->val + 1; nq -> v = 0; q->par = np->par = nq; while(p && p->go[w] == q) p->go[w] = nq,p = p->par; } long long back(node *p){ if(p->f != -1) return p->f; if(p->val < k) return p->f = 0; if(p->par->val < k) return p->f = (p->val - k + 1LL) * p->v; else return p->f = back(p->par) + (p->val - p->par->val) * p->v; } int main(){ while(scanf("%lld",&k) == 1 && k){//change lld to I64d ans = tot = 0; root = &pool[tot++]; root->clear(0); last = root; c = getchar(); while(!isl(c)) c = getchar(); while(isl(c)) {insert(get(c));c = getchar();} for(int i = 0;i<tot;i++) if(pool[i].par) pool[i].par->de++; queue<node*> Q; for(int i = 0;i<tot;i++) if(!pool[i].de) Q.push(&pool[i]); while(!Q.empty()){ node *q = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if(q->par){ q->par->de--; q->par->v += q->v; if(!q->par->de) Q.push(q->par); } } tmp = 0; node *p = root; while(!isl(c)) c = getchar(); while(isl(c)){ if(p->go[get(c)]){ p = p->go[get(c)]; tmp++; } else{ while(p && !p->go[get(c)]) p = p -> par; if(p) tmp = p->val + 1,p = p->go[get(c)]; else tmp = 0,p = root; } c = getchar(); if(tmp < k) continue; if(p->par->val < k) ans += (tmp - k + 1LL) * p->v; else ans += back(p->par) + (tmp - p->par->val) * p->v; } printf("%lld\n",ans);//change lld to I64d } return 0; }
2022年8月18日 17:41
West Bengal HS Guess Paper 2023, WBCHSE 12th HS Model Question Paper 2023, The West Bengal Higher School Education Board WBCHSE, West Bengal HS Question Paper 2023 Kolkata was founded in the year 1951 under a legislative act of the Government of West Bengal to administer the curriculum taught in public schools in the West Bengal state. It will conduct the exams to all the students who are pursuing their classes respectively.